RxJS Contributor Days

This week I had the privilege of attending RxJS contributor days. It was a day long event attended by core contributors as well as companies using RxJS like Slack, Google, Facebook and Netflix. While there is going to be an awesome video detailing all the cool stuff that happened that day I thought I’d put…… Continue reading RxJS Contributor Days

Debugging JavaScript with the debugger statement

One of the most useful statements in JavaScript is debugger. It invokes any available debugging functionality from your application and has no effect if there is no functionality available. So, for example if you have some JavaScript running and you want to pause execution at a certain line you can do something like: Most of the…… Continue reading Debugging JavaScript with the debugger statement

Sharing Styles with React and Aphrodite

Lately I’ve been using Khan Academy’s Aphrodite in a lot of my projects. React and Aphrodite work very well together! (although React is not a requirement) and makes managing CSS a lot easier! Using React and Aphrodite together makes each component look something like this: import React, { Component } from ‘react’ import { StyleSheet, css…… Continue reading Sharing Styles with React and Aphrodite

substr vs. substring in JavaScript

The difference between substr vs. substring in JavaScript bites me more often than any other API confusion in the language. The only difference is in the second parameter. Do you know what each of these will return? var word = “The quick brown fox”; console.log(word.substr(5, 10)); console.log(word.substring(5, 10)); substr vs. substring String.prototype.substr() and String.prototype.substring() have identical looking APIs in…… Continue reading substr vs. substring in JavaScript